Most sea turtle monitoring projects have several components of nightly beach work in common. These usually involve the identification and tagging of nesting turtles, collecting morphometric data, and marking and protecting nests. However, each project does things a little bit differently
June 4, 2012 It is June and leatherback season seems to have peaked, with averages still steady at about 5 Mamas per night. Just over a week ago, 10 turtles came up on Sandy Point in one night. A record for
5/20/2012 Welcome turtle fans! Female leatherback sea turtles (Dermochelys coriacea) usually nest at night and “Dawn Turtles” are what sea turtle monitors call those females that arrive on the beach when the sun is starting to rise. They make technicians stay
Welcome to Geographic Consulting’s Turtle Blog. We conduct a sea turtle monitoring project at the Sandy Point National Wildlife Refuge in St. Croix, U.S. Virgin Islands that consists of nightly patrols to intercept nesting leatherbacks during the early summer months and
5/2/2012 Leatherback Sea Turtle nesting season is now in full swing with an average of 5 adult, female Leatherback Sea Turtles nesting per night! The Sea Turtle Nesting Monitoring Team at Geographic Consulting is anticipating a busy season, and the crew