
Beach Dynamics on Sandy Point Wildlife Refuge

Most sea turtle monitoring projects have several components of nightly beach work in common.  These usually involve the identification and tagging of nesting turtles, collecting morphometric data, and marking and protecting nests.  However, each project does things a little bit differently


US Forest Service Publishes Article on Virgin Islands Tree Planting

It is my pleasure to announce that our most recent collaboration has been published in the journal, Tree Planters Notes. The journal is operated by the US Forest Service, and has been running a series of regionally specific reviews of tree


Environmental Baseline Assessment of the South Shore Industrial Complex of St. Croix, USVI

Last year Geographic Consulting conducted a mangrove forest habitat assessment along the south shore of St. Croix. We published a short blog post about the field work at the time. Our field team collected data along evenly distributed transects around the former
