This week, Dr. Brian Daley of Geographic Consulting is attending a regional plant conversation conference sponsored by the US Forest Service in Mayaguez, Puerto Rico. Internationally renowned botanist and taxonomist, Pedro Acevedo provided a detailed description of the plant diversity and taxonomy of the region. Representatives from the regional US Fish and Wildlife Service have provided updates on conservation activity in the recent past. Professionals from the Kew Royal Botanical Garden outlined their role in both plant conservation and herbarium cataloging of the native flora of the Antilles. Tomorrow’s activity will be a workshop on the Redd+ listing process for designating plant species as threatened or endangered. It has been an exciting meeting thus far and Geographic Consulting is proud to share our mapping and propagation work with endangered plants. We will be mapping federally listed Buxus vahlii and Catesbaea melanocarpa in the near future. We were honored to participate and glad to make new contacts with plant conservation experts in the Caribbean and around the world.
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