Posts Tagged ‘carribean ecology’

Rapid Health Assessment of Mangroves in Coral Bay, St John

Geographic Consulting recently partnered with the Coral Bay Community Council of St john to complete a Rapid Health Assessment of the Mangrove Forests of Coral Bay. This was a significant project made more important in the post Hurricane Irma setting. Irma

Reforesting Former Pastures in St. Croix, US Virgin Islands

Geographic Consulting specializes in reforestation, forest restoration, and urban tree planting. Land formerly used for agriculture, that is no longer in production, can often become dominated by undesirable plants, or invasive species, such as casha (Acacia spp.),  tan tan (Leucaena leucocephala),

Exotic Invasive Species of the US Virgin Islands; Forest Health

    Each year invasive exotic species cause both billions of dollars in damage and the extinction of many native species. The threat of invasive organisms is considered the second greatest threat to global biodiversity, after only habitat loss.   Geographic
