bdaley Archive

Tree Planting for Forest Enrichment on Buck Island, USVI

Native Tree Planting on Buck Island

The Geographic Consulting Tree Team had a great weekend with National Parks Service and dozens of volunteers on Buck Island. You can

Virgin Islands Community and Heritage Tree Law

I am very pleased to announce that a project we have been working on for years is one step closer to becoming a reality. The Virgin Islands Community and Heritage Tree Law is one step closer to passing and becoming part of the VI Code. Geographic Consulting was contract

Invasive Rat Eradication on Islands

Geographic Consulting has long been a proponent of habitat restoration through the eradication of invasive species as well as re-introduction of the native plants and animals (

Rapid Health Assessment of Mangroves in Coral Bay, St John

Geographic Consulting recently partnered with the Coral Bay Community Council of St john to complete a Rapid Health Assessment of the

Forest Restoration Underway at Salt River

We are pleased to share this Press Release from National Park Service regarding our collaborative forest restoration work at Salt River National Park. Since 2012, Geographic Consulting has been growing a wide diversity of native trees in our nursery and helping plant th

"Whats coming up?" The Native Tree Nursery Inventory - March, 2018

Geographic Consulting's native tree nursery has a wonderfully diverse selection of native trees available right now in 3 sizes. Our ideal target size plant is 3-gallons, but we have smaller plants too.  The vast majority of plants we p

Public Notice to participate in the VIDPNR-CZM 309 Program Assessment

GOVERNMENT OF THE VIRGIN ISLANDS OF THE UNITED STATES ------------0------------ DEPARTMENT OF PLANNING AND NATURAL RESOURCES No. 45 Estate Mars Hill, Frederiksted St. Croix, Virgin Islands 00840  

US Forest Service Publishes Article on Virgin Islands Tree Planting

It is my pleasure to announce that our most recent collaboration has been published in the journal, Tree Planters Notes. The journal is operated by the US Forest Service, and has been running a series of regionally specific reviews of tree planting activity across the c

Environmental Baseline Assessment of the South Shore Industrial Complex of St. Croix, USVI

Last year Geographic Consulting conducted a mangrove forest habitat assessment along the south shore of St. Croix. We published a short blog post about the field work at the time. Our fie
