Forest Restoration Underway at Salt River

We are pleased to share this Press Release from National Park Service regarding our collaborative forest restoration work at Salt River National Park. Since 2012, Geographic Consulting has been growing a wide diversity of native trees in our nursery and helping plant them with the Youth Conservation Corps and others. We also control the guinea grass and tan-tan on site by periodic mowing. The mowing gives the native trees a temporary competitive advantage over the fast-growing, sun-loving, exotic plants. Over time, the native trees will grow to form a canopy and “shade-out” the exotic plants.

This has been a great project to be involved with over the years. We are glad to kick off the 2018 season this week!

Please see the flyer, below, for more details.

Mowing Guinea grass releases the native trees from competition for light and water.

Field technicians mark native trees prior to mowing the site so that only grasses are treated.


Download (PDF, 391KB)

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