Print Copies of the Tropical Nursery Manual Arrived

Print copies of the Tropical Nursery Manual have arrived

Print copies of the Tropical Nursery Manual have arrived

This is a good week for deliveries at the office. Our printed copies of the Tropical Nursery Manual arrived from the US Forest Service ! Did you get yours yet? Did you order it? If you worked with Brian Daley on this project, we will get you a copy shortly.

You can download a free pdf of the entire volume or just download chapters on our website. The pdf is nice because it is indexed and searchable.

You can order you printed copy directly from our partners at Reforestation, Nurseries and Genetics Resources division of the US Forest Service.

On our publications page, we also have several other free publication on subjects like, the effect of Invasive Species on Forest Health in the Virgin Islands

and technical reports on Endangered Plants and Population Assessments of the Endangered St. Croix ground lizard (Ameiva polops). If you are stuck at work while everyone else has started their long weekend early, NOW is the time to download a few of these resources and have a quiet read.


Have a great 4th of July everyone.



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