Geographic Consulting Signs USVI Tree Law Contract

Geographic Consulting signs USVI Tree Law Contract

We are proud to announce we have signed a contract to write a comprehensive Tree Law for the US Virgin Islands. Geographic Consulting’s team of arborists has become the leading authority on roadside trees since we conducted the St. Croix Roadside Hazard Tree and Inventory Project. For the Tree Lay Project we assembled a team that includes members of the University of the Virgin Islands, Cooperative Extension Service  and our trusted legal advisors at the McChain Nissman Group. Together we will draft a law that assigns responsibilities for roadside tree management in the US Virgin Islands and describes Best Management Practices for tree maintenance, pruning, removal and planting in public Rights of Way and other Public Areas. In crafting this tree law, we will follow recommendations laid out by the International Society of Arboriculture  for creating community supported tree ordinances. Another stated goal of the project will be to create legislation that established a Heritage Tree Council that will be responsible for naming and protecting individual trees of historic and/or cultural significance. As always, we will invite the community, WAPA, Public Works, Innovative Communications and others to provide input through a series of public meetings. Check back here for dates and details. We welcome your input!

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